Increasing My Involvement: Rell Richards ’16

This pandemic has been impactful on multiple efforts along the way. 

From a personal viewpoint, when this crisis presented itself, the first thing to consider was the wellness of family, friends, work colleagues, etc. Next was to gain more clarity from a professional perspective, considering the culture of the organizations and nonprofit organizations I assist. Placed in this “New Norm” of social distancing, this pandemic increased my involvement rather than limiting my effort. Being resilient within my leadership allowed me to focus more on the needs of others in the areas of emotional, financial, and physical and less on myself.

Staying connected has been a pivotal role in enduring this unforeseen circumstance. Remote personal/professional meetings, Web conferences, and Web tutorials have been a great way to stay current with the times.  My initiatives have led me to support many efforts, from assisting how members improve their financial member experiences and opportunities to creating cards for health care workers and other brave colleagues helping in this pandemic. Now is a great time to be a resilient leader and balance the energy level of those under pressure. Resilience is an essential factor of a high-performing leader, to which I thank the Multicultural Leadership Program for awakening the leader within me to help those around me.

Durrell Richards is MCLP’s 2019 Alumni Community Leadership Award Recipient. He currently lives in Arizona but carries the principles of servant leadership that he learned in MCLP everywhere he goes.

Image Credit: @Fontan2 for @LiveActs

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