MCLP Welcomes Donna Moravec, MCLP Program Coordinator

MCLP’s new Program Coordinator brings an invigorating passion towards improving our community. Donna joined MCLP on Thursday, October 12th. As the Program Coordinator, she will work closely with the Executive Director to coordinate all aspects of a successful program.


Donna majored in Business Administration at Illinois Wesleyan University and has since been involved in a variety of programs that assist our community. She describes the program as “so vital to our community, and beyond,” expressing the community’s need for volunteer and nonprofit programs. Donna’s previous volunteer experience is with the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Program as both the Community Outreach Chair and the Membership Development Chair.


Donna’s duties as the Development Chair involved preparation and successful completion of a thirteen-week training program for interns encapsulating three separate counties. As Outreach Chair for two years, Donna assisted with planning an event that resulted in over 500 participants, volunteers, speakers, presenters, and exhibitors. She also has experience working and communicating with interns to complete a well-rounded program. Beyond her work with the Master Gardener Program, Donna has worked with McLean County Compact and Junior Achievement of Central Illinois. Donna’s dedication to volunteer experiences and assisting in her community make her a great asset to MCLP.


Along with her altruistic nature, Donna expressed that what excited her about MCLP are the opportunities towards “personal growth and development.” Donna’s dedication to continued learning and development fits in perfectly with MCLP’s vision and we are delighted to welcome her to the office and the program.

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