MCLP Participant Agreement

If selected as a participant of the Multicultural Leadership Program (MCLP), you agree to the following participant agreement. Accepted participants will be sent an electronic copy of this agreement and will be asked to sign confirming their participation in the class.

Participants agree to the following statements:

  • I fully support the MCLP mission* and vision**.
  • I commit to investing in myself through this nine-month personal and professional leadership journey. I plan to use the skills and knowledge I acquire to add value to my home, work and community life. I accept responsibility to be actively engaged in all aspects of the program.
  • Attendance:
    • I understand that all learning and curriculum-related events may take place in person or online.
    • I confirm that I am able to attend all scheduled learning events. If a conflict arises, I will communicate with the program coordinator and class facilitators immediately.
    • I will arrive to each scheduled learning event on time. I will remain present and engaged for the duration of the learning event.
    • If I must miss a session or learning event due to important, unforeseen, or unavoidable circumstances, I will complete any makeup work.
    • I understand that excessive absences, or absences that do not appear to be important, unforeseen, or unavoidable, may jeopardize my ability to continue in the program.
  • In addition to the learning events, please give careful and respectful consideration to the time commitment required. Failure to fully participate may impact your ability to graduate from the program.
    • Mentor: I am committed to meeting/speaking with my assigned mentor at least monthly for the duration of the program to discuss my goals, progress, and any advice/assistance the mentor might share.
    • Project: I am committed to meeting with my community project team outside of class and contributing to the success of the project. Project teams should meet at a minimum 2x/month.
    • Board Experience: I am committed to attending assigned nonprofit’s board meetings (typically at least 2 – 3 meetings total)
  • Preparation: In addition to classroom instruction and activities, I will read course materials on my own time and will be prepared for discussions and writing exercises as assigned.
  • Access: I have access to a computer and reliable internet that will enable me to participate with video and audio for any online learning events.
  • Dress code: The dress code for all learning events will be business casual unless noted otherwise.
  • Electronic devices: I understand the personal use of electronic devices (phone, computer, etc.) is limited to breaks only.
  • Commitment: In signing this document, I am willing and able to make this commitment to be a fully engaged participant in the Multicultural Leadership Program.
  • Confidentiality:  I understand trust and authenticity are important to the success of the Multicultural Leadership Program. I will keep confidential all confidential or personal information shared in the program.
  • Values: I understand that the MCLP includes individuals from diverse faith traditions, ethnicities and cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, education levels, socioeconomic backgrounds, strengths, personalities, languages, and more. I will treat all individuals that I encounter during my MCLP experience with the values of a servant leader.

*MCLP Mission: We develop leaders to engage the power of diverse perspectives to improve our world.

**MCLP Vision: Leadership that fosters a thriving, inclusive world.