In addition to learning about themselves and developing new leadership skills, MCLP class participants use their knowledge and skills to work on a community project throughout the entire program year. MCLP partners with four not-for-profit community agencies and participants work in groups to see a project through from beginning to end; many continue to work with these groups on their projects even after they graduate from our program.
To see what our four project groups accomplished over the last nine months, see their final reports:
You can also view the Pantagraph article on our community projects.
If your organization would like to partner with MCLP for a group project for the program year beginning in July, you can submit an RFP (Request for Proposal). Please go to the RFP form directly. Proposals will need to be submitted by June 15, 2011.
Please contact our office at 309-438-3417 or with any questions.