Pass It Forward MCLP Update

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the second annual “Pass It Forward MCLP” Day of giving on October 23, 2018.  Contributions came in through as well as MCLP’s Facebook page. .  More than three dozen alumni and supporters added an MCLP logo ‘frame’ to their Facebook profile picture, and more than ten individuals created video testimonials about the impact MCLP has in our community.


MCLP’s goal for this event was $20,000 in gifts from 100 donors.  As of November 20, more than $16,000 in gifts and pledges have been provided by 40 individuals.   All of these gifts go directly to the development of servant leaders, working to make a positive impact at home, work, and in the community.

We still need $4,000 by December 31 to meet our financial goals, and we’d love to engage another 60 individuals to provide support.

Make your gift or pledge today at !

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